Range and bearing component that is used to draw range and bearing on the map.
The inputs are used to customize the range and bearing style and behavior.
Create component reference and use the create()
function to start creating R&B on the map.
The function receives an optional RangeAndBearingOptions object that defines the created range and bearing style and behavior
(on top of the default and global definitions).
* \@ViewChild('rangeAndBearing', {static: false}) private rangeAndBearing: RangeAndBearingComponent; // Get R&B reference
* // ...
* this.rangeAndBearing.create({style: { pointProps: { pixelSize: 12 } }, bearingLabelsStyle: { fillColor: Cesium.Color.GREEN } });
* <range-and-bearing #rangeAndBearing></range-and-bearing> // Optional inputs defines global style and behavior.
changeDetection | ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush |
providers |
selector | range-and-bearing |
template |
Methods |
Inputs |
constructor(polylineEditor: PolylinesEditorService, coordinateConverter: CoordinateConverter)
Parameters :
Type :
Default value : |
Type : |
Type :
Default value : |
Type : |
Type : |
Type :
Default value : |
Type :
Default value : |
create | |||||||
create(undefined: RangeAndBearingOptions)
Parameters :
Returns :
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { CoordinateConverter } from '../../../angular-cesium/services/coordinate-converter/coordinate-converter.service';
import { EditActions } from '../../models/edit-actions.enum';
import { PolylineEditorObservable } from '../../models/polyline-editor-observable';
import { PolylineEditOptions } from '../../models/polyline-edit-options';
import { LabelProps, LabelStyle } from '../../models/label-props';
import { PolylineEditUpdate } from '../../models/polyline-edit-update';
import { EditModes } from '../../models/edit-mode.enum';
import { PolylinesEditorService } from '../../services/entity-editors/polyline-editor/polylines-editor.service';
* Range and bearing component that is used to draw range and bearing on the map.
* The inputs are used to customize the range and bearing style and behavior.
* Create component reference and use the `create()` function to start creating R&B on the map.
* The function receives an optional RangeAndBearingOptions object that defines the created range and bearing style and behavior
* (on top of the default and global definitions).
* Usage:
* my-component.ts:
* ```
* \@ViewChild('rangeAndBearing', {static: false}) private rangeAndBearing: RangeAndBearingComponent; // Get R&B reference
* // ...
* this.rangeAndBearing.create({style: { pointProps: { pixelSize: 12 } }, bearingLabelsStyle: { fillColor: Cesium.Color.GREEN } });
* ```
* my-component.html
* ```
* <range-and-bearing #rangeAndBearing></range-and-bearing> // Optional inputs defines global style and behavior.
* ```
selector: 'range-and-bearing',
template: `
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
providers: [PolylinesEditorService],
export class RangeAndBearingComponent {
@Input() lineEditOptions?: PolylineEditOptions = {};
@Input() labelsStyle?: LabelStyle = {};
@Input() distanceLabelsStyle?: LabelStyle = {};
@Input() bearingLabelsStyle?: LabelStyle = {};
@Input() bearingStringFn?: (value: number) => string;
@Input() distanceStringFn?: (value: number) => string;
@Input() labelsRenderFn?: (update: PolylineEditUpdate, labels: LabelProps[]) => LabelProps[];
constructor(private polylineEditor: PolylinesEditorService, private coordinateConverter: CoordinateConverter) {
lineEditOptions = {},
labelsStyle = {},
distanceLabelsStyle = {},
bearingLabelsStyle = {},
}: RangeAndBearingOptions = {lineEditOptions: {}, labelsStyle: {}, distanceLabelsStyle: {}, bearingLabelsStyle: {}},
): PolylineEditorObservable {
const rnb = this.polylineEditor.create({
allowDrag: false,
pointProps: {
showVirtual: false,
pixelSize: 8,
polylineProps: {
width: 2,
if (labelsRenderFn) {
} else if (this.labelsRenderFn) {
} else {
rnb.setLabelsRenderFn(update => {
const positions = update.positions;
let totalDistance = 0;
if (!positions || positions.length === 0) {
return [];
return (update.editMode === EditModes.CREATE && update.editAction !== EditActions.ADD_LAST_POINT
? [...positions, update.updatedPosition]
: positions
(labels, position, index, array) => {
if (index !== 0) {
const previousPosition = array[index - 1];
const bearing = this.coordinateConverter.bearingToCartesian(previousPosition, position);
const distance = Cesium.Cartesian3.distance(previousPosition, position) / 1000;
(bearingStringFn && bearingStringFn(bearing)) ||
(this.bearingStringFn && this.bearingStringFn(bearing)) ||
scale: 0.2,
font: '80px Helvetica',
pixelOffset: new Cesium.Cartesian2(-20, -8),
position: new Cesium.Cartesian3(
(position.x + previousPosition.x) / 2,
(position.y + previousPosition.y) / 2,
(position.z + previousPosition.z) / 2,
fillColor: Cesium.Color.WHITE,
outlineColor: Cesium.Color.WHITE,
showBackground: true,
...(this.labelsStyle as any),
...(labelsStyle as any),
...(this.bearingLabelsStyle as any),
...(bearingLabelsStyle as any),
(distanceStringFn && distanceStringFn(totalDistance + distance)) ||
(this.distanceStringFn && this.distanceStringFn(totalDistance + distance)) ||
`${(totalDistance + distance).toFixed(2)} Km`,
scale: 0.2,
font: '80px Helvetica',
pixelOffset: new Cesium.Cartesian2(-35, -8),
position: position,
fillColor: Cesium.Color.WHITE,
outlineColor: Cesium.Color.WHITE,
showBackground: true,
...(this.labelsStyle as any),
...(labelsStyle as any),
...(this.distanceLabelsStyle as any),
...(distanceLabelsStyle as any),
totalDistance += distance;
return labels;
text: (distanceStringFn && distanceStringFn(0)) || (this.distanceStringFn && this.distanceStringFn(0)) || `0 Km`,
scale: 0.2,
font: '80px Helvetica',
pixelOffset: new Cesium.Cartesian2(-20, -8),
position: positions[0],
fillColor: Cesium.Color.WHITE,
outlineColor: Cesium.Color.WHITE,
showBackground: true,
...(this.labelsStyle as any),
...(labelsStyle as any),
...(this.distanceLabelsStyle as any),
...(distanceLabelsStyle as any),
return rnb;
export interface RangeAndBearingOptions {
lineEditOptions?: PolylineEditOptions;
labelsStyle?: LabelStyle;
distanceLabelsStyle?: LabelStyle;
bearingLabelsStyle?: LabelStyle;
bearingStringFn?: (value: number) => string;
distanceStringFn?: (value: number) => string;
labelsRenderFn?: (update: PolylineEditUpdate, labels: LabelProps[]) => LabelProps[];