Default value : {
* Moves the camera forward, accepts a numeric parameter named `moveRate` that controls
* the factor of movement, according to the camera height.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_FORWARD]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const scene = cesiumService.getScene();
const cameraHeight = scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(camera.position).height;
const moveRate = cameraHeight / (params.moveRate || CAMERA_MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_FACTOR);
* Moves the camera backward, accepts a numeric parameter named `moveRate` that controls
* the factor of movement, according to the camera height.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_BACKWARD]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const scene = cesiumService.getScene();
const cameraHeight = scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(camera.position).height;
const moveRate = cameraHeight / (params.moveRate || CAMERA_MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_FACTOR);
* Moves the camera up, accepts a numeric parameter named `moveRate` that controls
* the factor of movement, according to the camera height.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_UP]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const scene = cesiumService.getScene();
const cameraHeight = scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(camera.position).height;
const moveRate = cameraHeight / (params.moveRate || CAMERA_MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_FACTOR);
* Moves the camera down, accepts a numeric parameter named `moveRate` that controls
* the factor of movement, according to the camera height.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_DOWN]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const scene = cesiumService.getScene();
const cameraHeight = scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(camera.position).height;
const moveRate = cameraHeight / (params.moveRate || CAMERA_MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_FACTOR);
* Moves the camera right, accepts a numeric parameter named `moveRate` that controls
* the factor of movement, according to the camera height.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_RIGHT]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const scene = cesiumService.getScene();
const cameraHeight = scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(camera.position).height;
const moveRate = cameraHeight / (params.moveRate || CAMERA_MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_FACTOR);
* Moves the camera left, accepts a numeric parameter named `moveRate` that controls
* the factor of movement, according to the camera height.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_LEFT]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const scene = cesiumService.getScene();
const cameraHeight = scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(camera.position).height;
const moveRate = cameraHeight / (params.moveRate || CAMERA_MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_FACTOR);
* Changes the camera to look to the right, accepts a numeric parameter named `lookFactor` that controls
* the factor of looking, according to the camera current position.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_LOOK_RIGHT]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const currentPosition = camera.positionCartographic;
const lookFactor = params.lookFactor || CAMERA_LOOK_DEFAULT_FACTOR;
camera.lookRight(currentPosition.latitude * lookFactor);
* Changes the camera to look to the left, accepts a numeric parameter named `lookFactor` that controls
* the factor of looking, according to the camera current position.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_LOOK_LEFT]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const currentPosition = camera.positionCartographic;
const lookFactor = params.lookFactor || CAMERA_LOOK_DEFAULT_FACTOR;
camera.lookLeft(currentPosition.latitude * lookFactor);
* Changes the camera to look up, accepts a numeric parameter named `lookFactor` that controls
* the factor of looking, according to the camera current position.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_LOOK_UP]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const currentPosition = camera.positionCartographic;
const lookFactor = params.lookFactor || CAMERA_LOOK_DEFAULT_FACTOR;
camera.lookUp(currentPosition.longitude * (lookFactor * -1));
* Changes the camera to look down, accepts a numeric parameter named `lookFactor` that controls
* the factor of looking, according to the camera current position.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_LOOK_DOWN]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const currentPosition = camera.positionCartographic;
const lookFactor = params.lookFactor || CAMERA_LOOK_DEFAULT_FACTOR;
camera.lookDown(currentPosition.longitude * (lookFactor * -1));
* Twists the camera to the right, accepts a numeric parameter named `amount` that controls
* the twist amount
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_TWIST_RIGHT]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const lookFactor = params.amount || CAMERA_TWIST_DEFAULT_FACTOR;
* Twists the camera to the left, accepts a numeric parameter named `amount` that controls
* the twist amount
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_TWIST_LEFT]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const lookFactor = params.amount || CAMERA_TWIST_DEFAULT_FACTOR;
* Rotates the camera to the right, accepts a numeric parameter named `angle` that controls
* the rotation angle
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_ROTATE_RIGHT]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const lookFactor = params.angle || CAMERA_ROTATE_DEFAULT_FACTOR;
* Rotates the camera to the left, accepts a numeric parameter named `angle` that controls
* the rotation angle
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_ROTATE_LEFT]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const lookFactor = params.angle || CAMERA_ROTATE_DEFAULT_FACTOR;
* Rotates the camera upwards, accepts a numeric parameter named `angle` that controls
* the rotation angle
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_ROTATE_UP]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const lookFactor = params.angle || CAMERA_ROTATE_DEFAULT_FACTOR;
* Rotates the camera downwards, accepts a numeric parameter named `angle` that controls
* the rotation angle
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_ROTATE_DOWN]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const lookFactor = params.angle || CAMERA_ROTATE_DEFAULT_FACTOR;
* Zoom in into the current camera center position, accepts a numeric parameter named
* `amount` that controls the amount of zoom in meters.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_ZOOM_IN]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const amount = params.amount;
* Zoom out from the current camera center position, accepts a numeric parameter named
* `amount` that controls the amount of zoom in meters.
[KeyboardAction.CAMERA_ZOOM_OUT]: (cesiumService: CesiumService, params: any) => {
const camera = cesiumService.getViewer().camera;
const amount = params.amount;