


This is an implementation of an arc. The element must be a child of ac-layer element. An arc is not cesium natively implemented and therefore it's API doesn't appear anywhere

Usage :

 *    <ac-arc-desc props="{
 *          center:,
 *          angle: arc.angle,
 *          delta:,
 *          radius: arc.radius,
 *          color : arc.color - The color should be Cesium.Color type
 *    }">
 *    </ac-arc-desc>

description of the props : center - The arc is a section of an outline of a circle, This is the center of the circle angle - the initial angle of the arc in radians delta - the spreading of the arc, radius - the distance from the center to the arc

for example : angle - 0 delta - π

will draw an half circle




providers { provide: BasicDesc, useExisting: forwardRef(() => AcArcDescComponent) }
selector ac-arc-desc


constructor(arcDrawer: ArcDrawerService, layerService: LayerService, computationCache: ComputationCache, cesiumProperties: CesiumProperties)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
arcDrawer ArcDrawerService No
layerService LayerService No
computationCache ComputationCache No
cesiumProperties CesiumProperties No
import { Component, forwardRef } from '@angular/core';
import { LayerService } from '../../services/layer-service/layer-service.service';
import { CesiumProperties } from '../../services/cesium-properties/cesium-properties.service';
import { ComputationCache } from '../../services/computation-cache/computation-cache.service';
import { ArcDrawerService } from '../../services/drawers/arc-drawer/arc-drawer.service';
import { BasicDesc } from '../../services/basic-desc/basic-desc.service';

 *  This is an implementation of an arc.
 *  The element must be a child of ac-layer element.
 *  An arc is not cesium natively implemented and therefore it's API doesn't appear anywhere
 *  __Usage :__
 *  ```
 *    <ac-arc-desc props="{
 *          center:,
 *          angle: arc.angle,
 *          delta:,
 *          radius: arc.radius,
 *          color : arc.color - The color should be Cesium.Color type
 *    }">
 *    </ac-arc-desc>
 *    ```
 *    description of the props :
 *    center - The arc is a section of an outline of a circle, This is the center of the circle
 *    angle - the initial angle of the arc in radians
 *    delta - the spreading of the arc,
 *    radius - the distance from the center to the arc
 *    for example :
 *    angle - 0
 *    delta - π
 *    will draw an half circle

  selector: 'ac-arc-desc',
  template: '',
  providers: [{provide: BasicDesc, useExisting: forwardRef(() => AcArcDescComponent)}],
export class AcArcDescComponent extends BasicDesc {

  constructor(arcDrawer: ArcDrawerService, layerService: LayerService,
              computationCache: ComputationCache, cesiumProperties: CesiumProperties) {
    super(arcDrawer, layerService, computationCache, cesiumProperties);

Html element
Html element with directive

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""